
There are 5,600 endangered species and 4,000 critically endangered species on the planet. Now I am going to list some of them.


Why they are endangered? 

Because of habitat loss, loss of pray and poaching.

Jaguars live in the rainforest but every day an area the size of a football pitch is lost to deforestation and farming. They are sometimes killed by farmers as they could kill livestock.

Jaguar - Red List

To help, I've adopted a Jaguar with the WWF. If you want to adopted an animal there's a link down below.

Harpy Eagle 

Why they are endangered? 

The Harpy Eagle is endangered because they need a large area of untouched forest to hunt monkeys and sloths. As time goes on, less of the forest is becoming untouched and is leaving these magnificent birds with very small hunting grounds. They are now so rare that someone can live their while life in eagle territory but not see a single one.

Harpy Eagle - Red List

Mountain Gorilla 

Why they are endangered? 

Mountain Gorilla are endangered because people are chopping down forests to make space for roads, towns and oil and gas mining.

Mountain Gorilla - Red List

White rhino 

Why they are critically endangered? 

White rhino are being poached for their horns. They are worth about the same as a bar of gold and is used in traditional medicine. Amazingly, thier horn is made of the same thing as our nails and hair.

White Rhino - Red List

Ethiopian wolf 

Why they are critically endangered? 

The Ethiopian wolf is endangered from hunting, habitat loss to farming and human activity and from diseasewith only 197 mature individuals left in the wild.

Ethiopian Wolf - Red List

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