
This page used to be the website FSTP - Alternatives but is now part of Felix Saves the Planet.


Petrol, oil, coal factories, Diesel

Instead of getting your fuel from fossil fuels...

Solar panels and wind turbines

you could switch to green energy.


Petrol car and bus and diesel train

Instead of having a petrol or diesel car...

Instead of going in a diesel train or petrol bus...

Electric car, bus and train

you could get an electric car.

you could see if there is an electric alternative.


Glass, leather, metal, plastic

Instead of buying a glass ornament...

Instead of buying plastic toys...

Bamboo, cork, paper, rubber, wood

get one made out of wood from a sustainable forest*.

get one made out of wood.

*A sustainable forest is where for every tree that is cut down, a new one is planted.

Some products have eco alternatives.

Here are some that I have listed:

Eco products:

Eco companies:

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